Let Your Rentals Shine With

Featured Services

Rent the Pic on TapGoods Storefront is a powerful tool for customers to browse and purchase all the rentals they need for a particular event or location.

Built to

Name the service, upload photos, and select inventory that customers can add to cart. You can also include a description and photo credits (venues, contractors, etc).

Built to

Display the types of services and solutions you offer from sporting, festivals, and outdoor events to construction sites and commercial zones. Create as many as you’d like! The possibilities are endless.

Built to

Customers can “like” and share the services they discover with a single click.

See A Demo of the Best Software in the Rental Industry - Earn A $50 Giftcard

Free $50 Gift Card
After You Demo!

Explore the latest rental business technology in a 30-minute demo, and we’ll email you a $50 gift card to Amazon. (This applies to existing rental companies in the US and Canada.)

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Schedule a

Free Demo

Discuss your needs with one of our experts in a 30-minute demo. We’ll explore how to book more rentals, collect payments faster, and automate time-wasting tasks.

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