10 Things You Should Ask Before Selecting a Rental System

10 Things You Should Ask Before Selecting a Rental System 150 150 TapGoods

10 Things To Ask
About Rental Software

Is the system fully cloud-based?

In the past, purchasing a new software tool meant costly on-site installations of bulky physical servers and reliance on access to hardware. Thankfully, those days are gone. State-of-the-art software tools are cloud-based and accessible from anywhere. Cloud-based systems also offer stronger security, back-up functionality and reliable uptime.

Blue Line

TapGoods is fully cloud-based.

Does it support warehouse operations and truck routing?

Managing a rental business is complex. It should work well for the whole business, including the warehouse. Anything short of a fully integrated solution for the whole operation is a waste of money and time.

Blue Line

TapGoods PRO supports warehouse operations, including scheduling, smart bundles, pick lists, and maintenance. It also supports integrated tools for delivery and pick-up, including truck routing.

Is the onboarding process smooth and clearly laid out? Does it cost extra?

So, you’ve selected a rental software and
the time has come to implement… what happens now?

Blue Line

At TapGoods, onboarding is a breeze and complete in just a few simple steps. We offer comprehensive support through a live team training, video & text learning tools, and online tutorials. Our dedicated onboarding team ensures that implementation is smooth and that you can be up and running in days.

TapGoods offers everything your rental business needs – all in one package!

How easy is it to create an order?

Creating an order should be easy.

Blue Line

With TapGoods, creating an order is quick and intuitive. You can see the order status easily, and you can click a smart button to take the precise action needed to advance the order.

What’s the upfront cost? Are you locked in to a long-term contract?

It used to be that software had an upfront cost.

Blue Line

TapGoods does not charge any upfront fees, and our agreements are just 1 year.

Is it mobile-optimized?

More than half of internet traffic is on mobile devices, meaning that if your rental business software isn’t mobile-friendly, it’s in the dark ages.

Blue Line

With TapGoods, every page and feature works on any platform – mobile, tablet, and desktop.

What is the support like? Does it cost?

Have a quick question about the software? Some rental software providers charge you each time you have a question.

Blue Line

TapGoods provides access to our online knowledge base and videos for all customers. As an added benefit, customers using our Standard and Select tiers can get a live answer from our experts for absolutely free.

Do the features grow with your business?

Your rental system should meet your current needs and also have features that you’ll need as you grow.

Blue Line

Whether today or tomorrow, if your business needs multiple locations or uses barcoding, TapGoods has you covered. Unlike the largest rental software on the market today, you won’t need to move to a different product as your business grows. Features for every size rental business are built into the same TapGoods PRO product.

Can your customers sign and pay online?

When customers can sign and pay online, life is easier for you and for them. They can take care of business when and how it’s convenient for them. Meanwhile, you get paid more quickly and can process your orders with greater efficiency. Some rental software companies leave contract signatures and payments to manual processes.

Blue Line

With TapGoods, you simply click to request signature and payment, and your customers click to sign and pay. Easy.

Does the system offer integrated ecommerce?

Customers expect smart resources to be available to them at the touch of a button, 24/7. Renters are no different. Your site should offer live inventory and integrated ordering.

Blue Line

With TapGoods Storefront, you can have a customized, beautiful ecommerce site for your rental business that automatically syncs inventory and allows customers to start or place orders at any time, day or night.

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